Papers Published

Read through Our Papers Published on Mental Health

This section highlights the variety of materials on mental health.

Choice of Mental healthcare Services in the treatment of Alzheimer in Nigeria: The gender Implications. Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Olawande, T.I., and Jegede, A.S. (2019)

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Dıscrımınatıon Agaınst People Lıvıng Wıth Mental Illness in Southwestern, Nıgerıa: Facts, Fallacıes and Way Forward Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED2018.

Olawande, T.I., Amoo, E.O. Ajayi, M.P.  Adetunde C.A. and Olowolafe, O.V. (2018)

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Barriers to the Utilization of Mental Healthcare Services in Southwestern, Nigeria: The Gender Implications. Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED2018.

Olawande, T.I. Jegede, A.S.  Edewor, P.A. Amoo E.O. and Ajayi, M.P.  (2018)

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Survey datasets on patterns of utilization of mental healthcare services among people living with mental illness.

Olawande, T.I., Okagbue, H.I. Jegede, A.S., Edewor, P.A. and Fasasi, L.T. (2018)

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